Access to the KPN network

KPN provides Colocation services at its local exchanges, giving you access to the fast and reliable KPN network. By colocating your hardware to these exchanges, you can expand your network across the Netherlands and provide your own Internet, phone and TV services to your customers.

Your national, regional or local link to KPN’s copper network will give you near‑blanket coverage in the Netherlands, reaching around eight million homes. The shared facilities used as part of KPN’s Colocation services will keep your investments low. KPN Wholesale’s Colocation services will protect your hardware and keep it safe.

You will receive a strictly personal, secure card that will give you 24/7 access to our buildings and will enable you to ensure the continuity of your services and offer your customers a high level of availability. 

  • Access to the KPN network
  • Install your own hardware
  • Reach more than 8 million homes throughout the Netherlands

More information about Backhaul ? We can help you make your choice.

Talk to Sales


You will find further information about the above topics below. Many of the documents are only available in the Dutch language. In case you need the information in English please contact KPN Wholesale.

Collocatie tbv MDF Access Tariff Schedule v15 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2024)

Collocatie tbv WBA WLL Tariff Schedule v15 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2024)

Collocatie tbv WBA WLL Tariff Schedule v14 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2023)

Collocatie tbv MDF Access Tariff Schedule v14 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2023)

Collocatie tbv WBA/WLL Tariff Schedule v13 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2022)

Collocatie tbv MDF Access Tariff Schedule v13 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2022)

Collocatie tbv WBA/WLL Tariff Schedule v12 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2021)

Collocatie tbv MDF Access Tariff Schedule v12 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2021)

Collocatie tbv MDF Access Tariff Schedule v11 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2020)

Collocatie tbv WBA/WLL Tariff Schedule v11 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2020)

Collocatie tbv WBA/WLL Tariff Schedule v10 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2019)

Collocatie tbv MDF Access Tariff Schedule v10 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2019)

Collocatie tbv WBA/WLL Tariff Schedule v9.0 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2018)

Collocatie tbv MDF Access Tariff Schedule v9.0 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2018)

Collocatie tbv WBA/WLL Tariff Schedule v8.0 (geldig vanaf 01-01-2017)

Bijlage bij MDF migratieamendement i.v.m. beëindiging MDF-diensten v2.4 d.d. 06-11-2023

Bijlage bij MDF Migratieamendement i.v.m. beëindiging MDF-diensten - v2.3 - d.d. 06-10-2023

Bijlage bij MDF Migratieamendement i.v.m. beëindiging MDF-diensten - v2.2 - d.d. 28-12-2022

Bijlage bij MDF Migratieamendement i.v.m. beëindiging MDF-diensten - v2.1 - d.d. 25-01-2022

MDF migratieamendement i.v.m. beëindiging MDF-diensten - v2.0 - d.d. 06-05-2021

Collocation Technical Manual WBA WLL v1.2

Collocatie MDF Access O&M Manual v2.3

Collocatie MDF Access Definitions v2.2

Collocatie MDF Access Technical Manual v2.2

Collocatie Submarine Cable Landings Stations Definitions

Functionele Specificaties Combikast v10

Dienstbeschrijving Mini Configuratie v10

Dienstbeschrijving Outdoor Configuratie

Collocatie Amendement ivm uitbreiding gebruiksbestemming v1.0

Amendement medegebruik MDF of ODF collocatie tbv WBA-WLL v1.0

Collocation WBA-WLL Definitions v1.0

Amendement Collocation WBA-WLL v1.0

Collocation WBA-WLL Operations and Maintenance Manual v1.0

Collocation WBA-WLL Parameter Schedule v1.0

Collocation WBA-WLL Service Description v1.0

Collocation WBA-WLL Wijzigingen raamovereenkomst v1.0

Collocatie MDF Access Service Description v2.3

Collocatie MDF Access Service Schedule v2.2

Collocation Undersea Cable Landings Stations Service Schedule

Collocation Undersea Cable Landings Stations Parameter Schedule

Collocation Undersea Cable Landings Stations Service Description

Collocatie General Parameter Schedule

Collocatie General Definitions

Collocatie General Billing Manual

Collocatie General Technical Manual

Collocatie General Service Schedule

Interconnect Access Service Description

Interconnect Access Service Schedule

Interconnect Access Definitions

Collocatie Raamovereenkomst

Aanvullende overeenkomst Mini Configuratie

General Service Description

General O&M Manual

RO2004 Collocatie MDF Access Parameter schedule V2.2